Sunday, February 19, 2006

i say, BURRR it's cold in here!

Brookshire! About 10 miles west of Katy -- past the part where I-10 becomes 2 lanes. That's like 1/3 of the way to Austin! QUITE the ways to go to ride 40 miles in the high 30/40-degree weather!

It was a pretty good ride. I didn't keep up with the paceline that averaged about 16 mph. I did, however, have a riding buddy -- Wendoline, a fellow new hire. We kept each other company while averaging 13-14 mph in the first half and slowing to 11-12 mph when we faced a strong headwind and some hills.

Wendoline had some pretty good times being the only true rookies out there. We practiced multi-tasking on the bike. I reconfirmed the fact that I have a hard time pedaling and steering while trying to get, drink from, and putting back my water bottle. Wendoline had similar problems, but they were accentuated when she attempted to multi-task while going up a hill. Good times, good times.

So just how cold was it? Take a look at my car's thermometer. I did not want to get out of the car. If you look closely, you can see raindrops on the windshield.

I reacted like any other Houstonian would to 41 degree weather. I bundled up like crazy! I wore 5 layers on upper-body: 2 long-sleeve tees, jersey, arm warmers, and a wind breaker. I also wore gloves, a ski mask, leg warmers, and skiing socks. On top of that, I put some toe covers over my AWESOME new silvery blue cycling shoes!

Even after all those layers, I couldn't feel my toes during or after the ride. I think it took a good 15 minutes for me to get the blood flowing to my piggly wigglies.

Well at least I didn't get lost or chased by dogs this ride. It actually was a very organized ride. I just hope it gets warmer within the month!

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