Friday, February 03, 2006

and it begins...

I've decided to create this blog to record my trails and tribulations of training for my first MS150. This way you guys, my (potential) contributors, will feel you're getting some sort of ROI. ;)

So Kiet, founder and captain of my cycling team, has been kind enough to lend me one of his many expensive bikes. No pressure, clumsy girl. Better not mess this one up! So I picked up the bike in my mother's SUV, took it home, and tried to find a way to fit it into my coupe.

Look at how HUGE my car looks when I lower the back seat!

Looks like an SUV, right??? I used 2 approaches: from the trunk and from the passenger side. Trunk failed off the bat because the pedals got in the way. I got so close going through the passenger side, but alas, the handlebars would not allow it. Woe is me, right?

I'm going on a training ride tomorrow morning out in Rosenberg. Let's see how the hills and the high 40's/lower 50's weather will treat me tomorrow!

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